To study in Denmark, you stand to enjoy a relatively low tuition fee, high-quality English-taught degree courses and innovative teaching methods. Denmark uses the three-tier degree system with bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. There are four types of institutions of higher education: universities, university colleges, academies of professional higher education and university level institutions that provide instruction in the arts and architecture.

Universities in Denmark
There are more than 40 higher education institutes in Denmark, and many offer master’s degree programs. There are eight universities, with some schools offering a range of academic disciplines and other focusing on specialized areas such as information technology, technology, or business. Thirteen university level institutions specialize in all levels of degrees in fine and performing arts, design and architecture. Four of the eleven university colleges also offer master’s degrees, and one of the ten academies of professional higher education offers an MBA program.
1. Aarhus Universitet
2. Københavns Universitet
3. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
4. Aalborg Universitet
5. Syddansk Universitet
Tuition and Program Duration
Tuition for all master’s degree programs in Denmark is free for students from EU/EEA nations. Students from other countries can expect to pay about €6,000 to €16,000 per year in tuition. However, many scholarships and grants are available from various public programs, foundations and the institutions of higher education themselves. For example, the Erasmus Mundus program is available to all students for specific master’s degree programs and Fulbright scholarships are available for students from the US.
Nearly all master’s degree programs are two years in length. A few research-oriented technical programs require a thesis in addition to course work.
University tuition fees in Denmark
Higher education in Denmark is free for all Bachelor’s and Master’s students coming from the EU/EEA area and for students participating in an exchange programme in Denmark.
Average tuition fees at Danish universities
You also do not pay for tuition if you have either a permanent or a temporary residence permit or if one of your parents is from a non-EU/EEA country who is already working in Denmark.
Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students
–Cheapest degrees: fees start from around 6,000 EUR/year.
–Average annual tuition: around 12,000-15,000 EUR/year.
–Highly specialised courses: can reach to over 35,000 EUR/year.
Tuition-free universities for EU/EEA students
Examples of free universities in Denmark for EU/EEA students:
1. Roskilde University;
2. University College Zealand;
3. University of Southern Denmark;
4. Aalborg University.
Tuition fees at top-ranked universities in Denmark
Here is a list of average tuition fees at the top-ranked Danish universities for international students(non-EU/EEA):
1. Aarhus University – average tuition fees 10,000 EUR/year.
2. University of Copenhagen – average tuition fees between 9,000 and 15,000 EUR/year.
3. Technical University of Denmark – average tuition fees 13,500 EUR/year.
4. Copenhagen Business School – average tuition fees 12,500 EUR/ year.
Academic Year
The academic year in Denmark typically runs from early September until the end of June and consists of two semesters, although some schools use four quarters instead. The autumn semester usually finishes in December, with exams in January and the spring semester finishes in May, with exams in June.
Health Insurance
All international students residing in Denmark have access to free health care with some exceptions, such as dental care. However, students must register with the Danish Civil Registration System to obtain this care. Non-EU/EEA/Swiss students who do not register are entitled to free emergency services only and market.
Costs of living in Denmark for students
An estimate of your overall monthly living costs in Denmark would amount to 750-1,150 EUR monthly. Although, it depends on lifestyle and location.
Living costs in Copenhagen: more expensive than in the smaller cities, may go as high up as 1,000-1,500 EUR/month.
Living costs in Aalborg: you can keep your costs lower at around 800-900 EUR/month.
Accommodation costs
You will pay an average of 400-600 EUR/month for accommodation and utilities, and up to 800 EUR in Copenhagen.
Students living alone – 450 EUR/month
Students living with partner/children – 500 EUR/month
Student halls of residence (kollegier) – 250-300 EUR/month.
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